Friday, February 10, 2006

Billy Ray's Law...2/10/06

Billy Ray’s law is playing out again today. The dental office called a couple of days ago to say they had a cancellation and could get me in earlier if I could take an 8 a.m. appointment today. We knew that would mean we would leave soon after support staff got here at 7 a.m. to be with Billy Ray because we are out from Bend (where the dentist) is a ways.

I got up at 5 a.m. hoping to have time to curl my hair and get ready. I noticed that Billy Ray had kicked his comforter on the floor. I struggled a bit with the conflict of being a “good mother” by covering up my son or not having time to get ready for my appointment if he woke up. I lost the gamble. He woke up raring to get on with his day.

It occurs to me when I write about his sleeping late in the mornings some of you must think how lucky I am that he sleeps so late. As stated before the earliest day he wakes up is staff days off – the only day I could sleep in. What might not be clear is that he often wakes up several times in the night – generally at midnight at least and frequently at 3 or 4 a.m. as well.

If I meet you at a book signing or a convention somewhere this summer and my hair is curled and I have make-up on you will know that Billy Ray is not with me that trip. Somehow the time to get myself ready loses out to Billy Ray’s law pretty regularly.

Until tomorrow,
Peggy Lou Morgan

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